Quality and Patient Safety
Quality at CGMH involves shared decision-making between the patient, family, caregiver and health care team to achieve a patient identified desired health outcome. CGMH is committed to delivering safe, effective, patient-centered care in a timely and efficient manner.
At CGMH, Quality and Patient Safety issues are a shared accountability with the Board, Senior Leadership Team and the Medical Advisory Committee committed to promoting ongoing quality improvement and to reduce risk.
Defining Elements of Quality Care
Element | Patient Meaning | Provider Meaning |
Safe | I will not be harmed by the system. | The care my patient receives does not cause the patient to be harmed. |
Effective | I receive the right treatment at the right time for my condition, and it contributes to improving my health. | The care I provide is delivered to the right patient at the right time based on best evidence and produces the desired outcome. |
Patient Centered | My goals and preferences are respected. My family and I are treated with respect and dignity. | Decisions about my patient's care reflect the goals and preferences of the patient and their family or caregivers. |
Efficient | The care I receive from all providers is well coordinated and efforts are not duplicated. | I deliver care to my patients using available human, physical, and financial resources efficiently, with no waste to the system. |
Timely | I know how long I have to wait to see a doctor or for tests or treatments I need and why. I am confident this wait time is safe and appropriate. | My patient can receive care within an acceptable time after the need is identified. |
Equitable | As a patient at CGMH I will receive needed treatment and will be treated fairly without discrimination. | Every individual presenting to CGMH will receive treatment to the best of our ability without discrimination. |