Collingwood General & Marine Hospital Logo

Patient Responsibilities

As a patient of the G&M Hospital you are responsible for:

Woman doctor with brown hair and patient with blonder short hair in grey t-shirt looking at document
  • providing accurate and complete information related to: past and present health status/needs, health insurance numbers and coverage
  • developing your plan of care with your doctor and staff and following this agreed plan of care
  • being sure you have the information needed to make informed decisions about your care or treatment including risks of refusing care or treatment
  • asking questions if you do not understand your plan of care
  • respecting the rights of others, including fellow patients, hospital staff, volunteers
  • informing your doctor and/or staff of any concerns you have about your care
  • respecting hospital policies regarding smoking, no scents and rules of behaviour
  • respecting hospital property, equipment and supplies
  • being responsible for payment of any billable services
  • cancelling your appointment if unable to attend

Respecting Privacy

As a visitor at CGMH you adhere to respecting the privacy of patients and visitors. Photography, videography and audio recording is not permitted while inside CGMH. We also kindly ask you set your cell phones to vibrate

Billing and Costs

The Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) pays physicians for medically necessary services provided to patients seen in the office/hospital etc. You may require some services that are not paid for under OHIP - these are considered Uninsured Services.

Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Ambulance transportation (some exceptions apply)
  • Knee immobilizers
  • Aerochambers
  • Shoulder immobilizers
  • Air Cast foam walkers
  • Clavicle (collar bone) braces
  • Ankle splints
  • Crutches
  • Preferred accommodations such a private, joined and semi-private rooms.

    For your convenience, services not covered by OHIP can be paid for by cash, cheque, debit/Interac, MasterCard or VISA

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