Collingwood General & Marine Hospital Logo

Patient Relations

Infographic of two people with speech bubbles above

Patient Relations is here to support you through your experience at the Collingwood General and Marine Hospital (CGMH). The Collingwood General and Marine Hospital recognizes the importance of patient centered care and the voice of our patients. The core values of respect, accountability and innovation govern our actions as staff, physicians and nurses strive to deliver the highest quality in patient care every day. Whether you have questions, a complaint, a suggestion or a compliment, we’d like to hear your feedback.

How can Patient Relations help me?

We can:
  • Listen to your feedback in supportive and respectful way.
  • Answer your question about how CGMH works.
  • Look into your concern.
  • Help with communication between you and your health care team.
  • Share your feedback on CGMH services, policies, and procedures with staff, physicians, and the entire health care team at CGMH to make needed improvements.

What do I do if I have concerns about my care?

Try to work with your health care team to address your concerns first. If you are in the hospital and need urgent assistance, please speak with the Resource Nurse on the unit.

Call Patient Relations if you need more help. We will work with you and your healthcare team.

Can I speak with Patient Relations even if I’m not a patient?

We can speak with any patient, family member or visitor of CGMH. We will speak with the patient involved if we need to investigate any concerns. If the patient is not able to speak with us, we can speak with their Substitute Decision Maker or Power of Attorney.

CGMH Patient Relations Contact Information:

Blue mail icon with check mark

Using email is best

It allows you the time to explain your question or concern clearly. We can also make sure we have accurate details and correct spelling of names.


By phone:

705-445-2550 ext: 8706 If email is not possible, please call and leave a voicemail. Please remember to provide your name and phone number slowly and clearly so we know how to reach you.

By mail:

Patient Relations
459 Hume Street
Collingwood, ON
L9Y 1W9


Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

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