COVID-19 Outbreak on CGMH’s Medical Unit confirmed over
In collaboration with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU) the COVID-19 outbreak that was declared on Collingwood General and Marine Hospital's (CGMH) Medical Unit on April 13 has now been declared over.
During this timeframe contact tracing for patients and employees was conducted, impacted patients were isolated and enhanced measures were put in place, such as increased cleaning of high touch surfaces on the Units.
The Medical Unit has now reopened for visitors in accordance with Phase 3 of its Designated Visitor policy.
Diligent mask wearing while in the hospital remains in place and is essential for all visitors, in order to protect our most vulnerable patients. Hospital issued masks must cover the visitors mouth and nose, and must remain on for the entire visit. Visitors are not permitted to eat or drink while visiting with any patient.