Collingwood General & Marine Hospital Logo

Accreditation Canada seal of Accredited with Exemplary Standing
Welcome to CGMH

Collingwood General and Marine Hospital (CGMH) is an 84-bed hospital located in Collingwood, ON (approx. 90 minutes north of Toronto) that serves more than 73,000 permanent residents and 3.5 million annual visitors to the south Georgian Bay community of Collingwood, Clearview Township, the Town of The Blue Mountains and Wasaga Beach.

Look To The Future With

Your Future Hospital

CGMH is growing to serve the South Georgian Bay region. It is currently moving through the planning process on the modernization and expansion of the hospital, which will result in a state-of-the-art facility, to meet the growing health service needs of patients and families.

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Emergency Room Wait Times

Collingwood General and Marine Hospital's emergency department wait times are provided for general information only. Please be advised that wait times can change significantly and immediately, without warning, and are therefore not guaranteed.

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Work Here

The G&M Hospital is home to a superb team of healthcare professionals and volunteers. Together they have created a hospital respected and revered for the excellent level of care that it provides and the welcoming, community atmosphere it offers.

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